In hopes of getting around to goal #1, I started the 30 Day Shred this week. I started it technically on Tuesday, but couldn't walk yesterday, so I couldn't do it again until today. And now I still can't walk, but it's just a teensy bit less scream-inducing to stand up than yesterday was.
You may have heard about it. I'd read about it via a few bridal blogs, I think. These brides that were 30 or so days out from the big day wanted toning, so they went to Jillian Michaels to help them out. In all fairness, they did say they were sore the next day. But holy crap on a cracker, they did not mention that Jillian Michaels will make you want to die after a mere 22 minutes. Seriously. I was calling her all sorts of colorful things by the end. And when I couldn't do ANYTHING that involved bending, straightening, or putting weight on my legs the next day? I had all sorts of things to say about her "combo moves" and the fact that this was supposed to be good for me. And stairs. Why does this house have to have stairs?!
In my head, I know a few things:
1. I have to get more exercise than this in my day. I bought the DVD with a birthday giftcard because I want something that I can do at home that has a bit of a regiment to it. Telling myself I will do 20 pushups and 100 crunches on the ball won't do it for me. I've been telling myself I'll do that tomorrow for months. I only remember that I forgot to do it as I drift off to sleep. So this is a start, but it's not the only thing I should be doing. 22 minutes a day just isn't enough.
2. Pain is good. I know I didn't seriously injure myself, but my quads, pecs, glutes, calves, deltoids and a bunch of other muscles in my legs and shoulders that I didn't even know could be sore are sore. Sore is OK. Sore requires rest and water and more rest, but it can be worked through. Mostly. Unless I wake up feeling tomorrow like I did yesterday.
3. I friggen hate exercise. I don't enjoy going to a gym by myself, I will cut corners while I am there, and I have trouble motivating myself to do things. My current mentality is that this is less than 30 minutes a day. Combine that with my idea that I will ride my bike more (because I should, and I don't), and maybe I will get into a habit. Takes 3 weeks to form a habit right? I figure, new house, new habits. Yes? Well, let's hope at least.
And if you see me, please ignore the grandma hobble I have going.