Wednesday, June 3, 2009

101 goals in 1001 days (Part 2)

Given my current transitional stage in life, I thought the best way to introduce myself is to introduce who I want to be. Make sense?

I started the 101 goals in 1001 days project. I thought I would go through my goals one by one.

To catch up, here's part 1.

The Mission:
Complete 101 preset tasks in a period of 1001 days.

The Criteria:
Tasks must be specific (ie. no ambiguity in the wording) with a result that is either measurable or clearly defined. Tasks must also be realistic and stretching (ie. represent some amount of work on my part).

Relationships/ Social

20. Write to Uncle Frank at least once a month (1/36)
There are a few people in my life that don't do email, and do better if they get written word than phone calls. I don't see why I can't take a few hours a month and write a letter to update them on what's going on with me.
21.Write to Uncle Don at least once a month (2/36)
Same deal as above. Although this might change, because he recently did take to email, and I've been responding to emails 5-6 times a week.
22.Get engaged
Done! :)
23.Plan a wedding
Probably easier said than done. I only say that because with graduate school and the fact that we are from two different parts of the country, the whole planning thing isn't as easy as it seems. It's been about 6 weeks since the engagement, and we still haven't picked a year!
24.Get married
Or at least have a date very close in the future when this thing is done. Follows, right?
25.Throw Doug a graduation or birthday party
This may end up being a housewarming BBQ, depending on when we move. Point being, a gathering of friends...he would like that.
26.Make 5 new friends in a graduate program
Sounds silly, right? Well, I have 2 years full time with the same folks, and I would like to make a few close friends out of it. Of course, I wrote this before I was admitted to the program I will be in. There are a few lovely ladies that I will be working with for the next few years.
27.Plan a visit with college friends within driving distance at least once every other month
I have quite a few friends in the Chicago area, and it's silly to be relatively close and not see them. So far, I've actually been pretty good about this.
28.Have Sandi and Bob over for dinner at least twice (0/2)
Doug's family.
29.Visit Bob & Pam at least twice (0/2)
More of Doug's family
30.Visit a couples counselor for a pre-wedding assessment
We aren't having a religious ceremony, so we won't have a pre-cantana (that's what they are called, yes?) At any rate, the idea of it isn't a bad one, minus the religious aspect. It makes sense to me to make sure we really truly are on the same page with everything. After all, this is a first for both of us, and we don't want to screw it up out of the gate.
31.Send birthday cards (via the mail) to 30 friends and family (3/30)
There can be improvement here. I enjoy getting mail, and imagine that others do too. I know a birthday card isn't much, but I enjoy them. If I really want to challange myself, I'd add "on time" to the goal. I have a horrid habit of sending two friends cards well after their birthday. They do the same, so I don't feel too awful, but it's sily when I buy the card 3 months ahead of time and send it two months late!
32.Send at least six updates to family/friends via email or mail (2/6)
For a while I was sending out an email update to friends and family every few months, and then I stopped. While I know my mom is really good at updating family, I figure I should take the torch at some point. Lucky for this goal, getting into grad school and getting engaged happened, so that was two down!
33.Host a dinner party
Current digs don't really allow for a dinner party, but I would feel very "adult" to host such a thing. Perhaps with a theme.
34.Visit with Grammy 3 times
Doug's grammy, who, despite living within an hour of, we rarely see outside of large family gatherings. His other grandmother passed away a few months ago, and we also never visited her as often as we said we would.
35.Take a decent set of pictures with Doug
We mostly have ridiculous pictures of ourselves. A few years back, we took a few nice pictures together, but we could definetly stand to do it again.
36.Learn 4 new games
I've learned Chraunonauts since starting these goals. I suppose I learned a new DS game this weekend, but I mostly despised it, so I won't count it.

Travel/ vacation
37.Plan a vacation that involves a plane or train ticket
My most frequent trips have been visiting my parents in recent years. In fact, Doug and I haven't taken a vacation together...ever. Unless you count the overnight we did on the drive back from my parent's 2 years ago. That's what we get for being students.
38. Visit 4 state parks (0/4)
I like new places and adventures. State parks are cheap, which is a big plus. I also like being outside, and want to be more active overall. I consider this a goal that attends to many things.
39. Go camping at least once
Planned! For five years, I've wanted to go camping with Doug (yea, my idea of a vacation isn't exactly a 4 star hotel).
40. Take at least 30 day trips to see things in the area (2/30)
Again, this is for my sense of adventure. When we have time off, we tend to be lazy about it. But it's silly to live in an area and not know anything about it. Even if it's something like walking around a downtown area of a cute local town. It doesn't take much.
Places we've traveled to so far:
1.) The Ellwood House
2.) Mini golf course

41.Visit the ocean
I grew up on the east coast, so to me, a summer wasn't complete without a dip somewhere in the Atlantic. Doug, on the otherhand, has spent one day in Mystic, CT, and we had dinner along the water. I hardly think it counts. We need to remedy such things. I'm not picky about which ocean we visit, but considering our current distance, completing this goal may also knock out our "by plane or train" goal.
42.Get a new passport

Time to replace!
43.Go to Cedar Point
Two years ago, we meant to stop by on our trip out, but ran out of time. Then it sort of got pushed to a back burner.
44.Go skiing at least once
Again, grew up on the east coast, so skiing was aplenty. I started when I was 3, and slowed down in high school. College and beyond in the midwest, I'd sort of forgotten I could. While home this winter, I as able to go with some friends, and remembered that I absolutely adore it.
45.Visit every stop on the Metra Union Pacific West Line
OK, so small adventure, but kind of neat. There are a lot of little downtown areas built around the Metra stops, and they seem very cute. With the $5 weekend pass, I imagine I could do this cheaply and learn new places and have tiny adventures.


46.Get into graduate school
Done! I applied to 2 places, got into 1, which made the decision easy!
47.Apply for graduate assistantship/ grant programs
Done! After being accepted and applying for other graduate assistantships, I found out that I actually was being offered one through the department. Hooray!
48.Finish graduate school
In progress! Slated for May 2011 (which sounds REALLY far away)
49.Get a full time job in speech pathology
It makes sense, since that's what I am getting a MA in.
50.Take one class for self – letterpress, calligraphy, digital design, photography, cooking
I've always thought I'm not good at art. And that's true...I can't draw much worth a damn. But I can do the crafty stuff, and I would love to learn more in that realm. This may have to wait until after graduate school, though.
51.Attend one conference or professional workshop
I've never done it before. I will have to anyway for the career, but I think it would be neat to go to a conference. Plus, free goodies!

And now you can jump to part 3!

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