Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Obligatory Introduction

I've debated doing this for some time. You see, since I was 17 (my junior year in high school), I've had a blog. True story. So I just hit my 8 year mark over at LJ, but I feel a bit as though I've ...outgrown it. There's a lot of emotional baggage associated with that account for me. It's locked up, access granted to a number of friends who probably no longer read it. Giving access to new folks would probably result in airing out a lot of laundry that need not be seen by people in my current life. Teen years are hard, y'all!

So, then, why now? Why start fresh with something public? Why do I think I'll update it more than I do LJ? Yea, no, the last two questions, I don't really have an answer for. But the first one, I do.

I woke up one day recently, and realized I'm an adult. Holy crap. I have an actual idea of what I am going to be doing with my life, and am making that happen. I have a fiance. We are looking to buy a house. I have a cat.

None of this happened overnight. The fastest thing that happened was getting the cat, and even that took 6 weeks of planning (side note, I'm a bit obsessive about planning). We've been looking at houses since March. Graduate school took 2 years to get the ball rolling on (doing prerequisite work not related to my undergrad degrees). The fiance thing? More than 5 years before we made it "official". So none of this happened overnight. But all at once, it clicked.

So here I am. Things clickity clacking into place for me. And I can't help but think I need a new place to do that.

I also need a new place for less heavy things. My style with my other blog was to mostly use it as a venting tool. It was very theurapeutic, but the truth is, I forget a lot of the small, happy things I encounter daily. And then I start to think I don't encounter them at all. Which is probably half true. I do need to spend more time enjoying daily things...a well made dinner (without having to do dishes), a new adventure walking to the post office-- you know the drill. Big things are falling into place for me, but they are also stressful things. And that's not so good. So a place where I can step back from bad days at school or one more project on whereever we end up living will be good.


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