We are closing on a house on Thursday. For anyone keeping score at home, that means it has been 2 weeks from when we first saw it to closing. For anyone who hasn't bought a house before, let me just say, never EVER try to do it all in two weeks. Not if you enjoy little things like your sanity.
It's been a whirlwind 2 weeks. Inspections, meeting with lawyers, trying to get the mortgage pushed through. Making a back up plan if the mortgage does not come through in time. Pricing out appliances. Looking at paint options. Learning about locks that you can change without a locksmith. Collecting paperwork to prove exemption from a transfer tax. Finding the damn city office to get said transfer tax stamp from. Homeowner's insurance. Oh yea, and classes started last week. Overall, I think I've been handling it well.
Except I withdrew from a class for the first time ever today. It was stressful, and I feel guilty that I gave up for fear of failing. But the class is not necessary for my degree (unlike my other 2 classes) and required more work than the other 2 already demanding classes. The result? I need to take it at a different time. Rationally, I understand this. But damned if it doesn't make me feel a little less together.
So yes, all in all, despite the huge amount of stress, life changing aspect of the next 2 days, things are going well. I'll confess, there was a mini meltdown tonight when Doug came home with a case of wine. He had a final class at a wine bar, and got an impulse to buy wine. Two bottles he picked out for me, and I know the intention was sweet. But he got home, and all I could think was, "Hello?! Buying a house, here!" It was, in a week that has been stressful already, a breaking point. Because he and I spend and save differently. And while I understand that right now it is his money he's spending, I can't help but be just a little crazed by him coming home with a case of wine (that we'll probably end up moving with us, because we probably won't drink any of it before moving) when I am thinking about things like dishwashers and blinds.
In the end, I know the money he spent on the wine won't make or break us. I do understand that. But next time I'm thinking he should leave that stuff in the car until after we have to get the biggest check I've ever seen for closing!
Today, I rediscovered this song. The piano and the acoustic guitar, and the duet. I'm such a sucker for those things. I didn't really appreciate the movie, but I do appreciate the music. Especially this. And the fact that they sound just as good live? Yea, that helps.
In fact, I just remembered this song popped into my head yesterday, and has also been stuck there. I guess my brain is going for comfort music.