The Mission:
Complete 101 preset tasks in a period of 1001 days. My end date is: October 30, 2011
The Criteria:
Tasks must be specific (ie. no ambiguity in the wording) with a result that is either measurable or clearly defined. Tasks must also be realistic and stretching (ie. represent some amount of work on my part).
Italics= In progress
Red = Done!
Health, Beauty, and Well Being
Reach healthy weight
Not going so well, actually. Currently sitting just below where I was when I started the weightloss in the first place. Working on this with gusto in the new year.Maintain aforementioned healthy weight
Do cardio 3 times a week for half hour each session
I have been terrible about this, especially since it is now winter. Grad school hasn't helped. Need to figure out how to make this work.Go to the gym at least twice a week while school is in session
I haven't been to the gym since I started this list. That can't be good. My program is not on campus, and campus is a 15 minute drive plus fighting for parking. I know it's an excuse, but I often don't have the time with everything going on.Weight train for 30 minutes at least twice a week while school is in session
Also fell by the wayside. Hence the need for a goal.Do Wii Fit every day for a month.
Made it through 1 week, and got bored. Need more motivation.Be able to do more than 10 consecutive push ups
Haven't even tried, but I can't imagine it would be good.Grow my hair past my shoulders
I tried this, and got bored with it. Hair looked blah, so I went and got it cut short on a whim at the end of the semester. Technically, it's done, but I don't think I gave it a fair shake.Get a haircut that involves making an appointment
Yea, it's a plan. Maybe over the summer I will get around to it.Grow my nails long enough to get a manicure
Stress of grad school has not really helped. Right now, I am currently sitting on presentable nails, but school starts next week, so I don't know that they'll last.Whiten my teeth
I am beginning to think I've done nothing on this list. Man.Research Lasik procedures
Haven't had time or money to really think about it in earnest.Know my cholesterol, blood sugar and blood pressure numbers off the top of my head. Get screened at least once a year.
Recent family events have spurred me to get back to not only knowing these, but making sure they are lower than they probably are right now.Participate in an organized bike ride
I want to look into this for Summer 2010.Keep a food journal for an entire week (0/7)
Started today. Let's see how it goes..Buy (and wear) a bikini
Nope.Get a tan
Spent time outside this summer, working, with SPF 45. Being outside definitely felt good, and I would say I was not my pasty norm for at least a few weeks!Buy a real pair of running shoes.
I still want to go to a running store and actually get fitted for sneakers the way I should be.Get at least 3 massages (1/3)
I have a goal to lose a certain amount of weight. When I get there, I am getting a massage, dagnabit!
Relationships/ Social- Write to Uncle Frank at least once a month (3/36)
Those recent family events? They made me realize that I definitely did not do this. And I came very close to regretting that. This goal is a must-change, must-do. - Write to Uncle Don at least once a month (36/36)
Done. Via email, I check in at least once a week. - Get engaged
Still done :) - Plan a wedding
Still have not figured out a date or timezone. There are a lot of reasons for this, but I am not as worried about it as I once was. - Get married
Again, I am not worried. We have a plan to start visiting places this summer to start to get things figured out. For now, I will continue to peruse websites for inns, state parks, lodges, and bread & breakfasts around the country when I don't want to be working on papers, or am sitting in a particularly boring lecture. - Throw Doug a graduation or birthday party
DONE! Successfully hosted an 11 person brunch for his graduation. - Make 5 new friends in a graduate program
DONE! There are 5 ladies that I can definitely see myself keeping in touch with after graduation, and whom I can count on when things happen. - Plan a visit with college friends within driving distance at least once every other month
So far, so good, for the most part. I think we've had people out to us at least once every other month, but I've only made it out that way once or twice in that time. - Have Sandi and Bob over for dinner at least twice (1/2)
If I double counted with the brunch, I could have crossed this baby off the list, but I feel like that's cheating. - Visit Bob & Pam at least twice (1/2)
I don't really have a lot of influence about getting invited up there. - Visit a couples counselor for a pre-wedding assessment
Still haven't gone, but we're pretty sure we know where we are going, which assessments we'll take, and we are both on board. Have we read this from the NYTimes Magazine? Or this from A Practical Wedding? Yea, despite us being together for what will be (I imagine) 7+ years by the time we get married, this is important. - Send birthday cards (via the mail) to 30 friends and family (9/30)
Huge room for improvement here. Although, I have sent out "happy new house" and other such cards, I think a few more birthday cards are in order. - Send at least six updates to family/friends via email or mail (2/6) Most of my extended family has now joined facebook, so they are pretty up-to-date, because they are pretty aware of when I update. This includes 2AM when I bitch about a paper, and 5AM when I bitch about being up mega early to work on projects.
- Host a dinner party
I have had tons of people over for dinner, but not for a dinner party. I should remedy this, and it should involve invitations. - Visit with Grammy 3 times (1/3)
This needs to step up as well. We went out to breakfast with her once, but should make more of an effort here. - Take a decent set of pictures with Doug
This has not been done. Although we have had a few fluked good shots of us, and more that look like this:Classy, no?
- Learn 4 new games (4/4)
Small World
The Nacho Incident
Travel/ vacation - Plan a vacation that involves a plane or train ticket
This has stayed on my "after grad school" list. Although maybe this summer if a venue we love is a flight away, we'll make it work. - Visit 4 state parks (1/4)
Visited Mississippi Palisades this summer. - Go camping at least once
Finally accomplished, and going again this summer! - Take at least 30 day trips to see things in the area (2/30)
Lame. I don't think we've done anything about this in recent months.
1.) The Ellwood House
2.) Mini golf course - Visit the ocean
Might well be an "after grad school" goal. - Get a new passport
Found my old one, which I thought was gone forever. So hooray! - Go to Cedar Point
I have a feeling that this will be on our list of places this summer to visit. It happens to be a half-way mark between our families. - Go skiing at least once
Dying to do this. It's not too late in the season yet... - Visit every stop on the Metra Union Pacific West Line
No progress here, yet. And there probably won't be until it's a bit warmer out.
Education/Employment - Get into graduate school
Did not realize that a follow up to this was "get eaten by grad school for the next 2 years" - Apply for graduate assistantship/ grant programs
Still holding onto it! - Finish graduate school
1 semester down, 4 to go. - Get a full time job in speech pathology
Right, let's check back on this sometime after May 2011. - Take one class for self – letterpress, calligraphy, digital design, photography, cooking
Another thing on the "after grad school" list. - Attend one conference or professional workshop
Considering ISHA next year.
Continue debt free on my credit cards
Still holding strong.Figure out a financial system with Doug
We are working on it, but haven't really made a decision yet about what will be the best course of action.Save for a vacation
Right, so in the travel area I talked about wanting to take such trips. But in order to do that, we need to get organized and actually save money. Hence the above goal. I thought this would be an excellent way to reward our organization.Keep money in ING account unspent
Some of that money did go towards the house, and the rest remains there.Learn about investing by reading at least 2 books (1/2) and meeting with a financial adviser
This is in progress.Plan for buying a house/condo within 2 years from end date. Goal includes determining where we want to buy, and how much of a down payment we’ll need.
Done.Maintain John Houston Finely Society standing and star with Knox
Half done. The star is there, but I think I'm out of the society. You have to give $100 more each year, and this year, it was too close to the closing to make that happen for me.Save at least 1/5th of each paycheck once I have a "real world" job
First step: real world jobReplace the Saturn
Hasn't happened yet, but the car is still going. *knocks on wood*Buy a new computer
Done! Well, sorta. I got Doug a new computer, which gave me his old desktop, which was an upgrade from mine. My laptop will probably need replacing in the next few years, but I'm hoping for it to make it through grad school.Start a retirement fund
Make more in 2011 than I did in 2008, 2009 & 2010 combined
Step 1 (again): get job.Create a living will
This will require meeting with a lawyer.
Make at least 15 meals at home each week (this can include making lunch and breakfast for myself)
So far, so good. Last semester, I went out for lunch twice on days when I was at the clinic (on average 4 days a week), and always had breakfast at home.Shop at local farmers market at least twice a month in appropriate weather
I only got to go twice this year. Outrageous.Eat beef fewer than 5 times a month
Doing pretty well with this, actually.Eat dinner with Doug at least one night a week
It got a bit hairy during the semester (him: Hapkido M&W, Me: Class T&TH), but I think we managed to come together for a late dinner or early dinner at least once a week.Try at least 50 new, healthy recipes (25/50)
I am constantly looking for new things to make, especially crockpot friendly recipes that are healthy. So far I've tried (all minus the mushrooms, if called for):
1. Slow Cooker Italian Chicken
2. Eggs Benedict on a Muffin with Garlic Alioi
3. Spaghetti Carbonara
4. Slow Cooker Salsa Chicken
5. Chicken & Angelhair Pasta
6. Kona Chicken
7. Jerk Chicken with Cornbread
8. Honey Mustard Roast Chicken
9. Cheesy Chicken in the Crock
10. Rosemary Garlic Chicken
11. Chicken with Bacon, Mushrooms and Onions
12. Southwest Chicken Stew
13. Turkey Sloppy Joes
14. Baked Mac & Cheese
15. Taco Soup
16. No Knead White Bread
17. No Knead Whole Wheat Bread
18. Apple Cheddar Quiche
19. Cottage Cheese Filled Whole Wheat Crepes (instead of Ricotta)
20. Veggie Loaded Penne with White Wine Sauce
21. Smoky Chipotle Chili
22. Rice & Corn Ckaes with Spicy Blackbeans
23. Meatloaf Burgers
24. Forget Me Not Cookies (thanks Ms. Domestic Darling!)
25. Honey Glazed Sweet Potatoes & ChickenHave less than 15% of groceries be prepared foods (freezer meals, prepackaged sides, etc)
I think I've been hanging in there on what I buy, but I'm not the only one that grocery shops in our house...Start an herb garden
A plan for today(!) in fact. I have the seeds for Rosemary, basil (although my plant from over the summer is still going strong), parsley (lost to frost), chives, dill, oregano, and tarragon.Make Sangria
Done at least 3 times this summer, and met with great success!Try 3 new cooking techniques (poaching, braising, etc) (2/3)
I poached an egg to make my eggs benedict, and braised meat before crocking it.Start a real garden, growing at least 3 different types of veggies
A spring project is to fill in the large hole we have in the backyard and plant a garden.Try at least 5 new foods
I can't think of anything new I've tried off the top of my head...
Vacuum floor at least once every 2 weeks
So far, so good.Change bed sheets once a week
So far, so good.Brush cat once a week
We're probably doing once every 2-3 weeks at this point, which is OK, but probably not great, judging by the amount of hair she leaves in her wake.Take cat to annual checkup (1/2)
Next one in July.Buy & decorate a Christmas tree
Not this year, but hopefully next. In preparation, I got a tree-stand and some generic ornaments at clearance sales this year.Keep clothes off bedroom floor for 30 days (0/30)
Frame at least one thing I made (photograph, cross stitch, art piece, etc)
This would involve finishing something to frame.Get a real futon frame
Done! The fouton currently has a home in Doug's office.Figure out how to participate in Sycamore's recycling program, even if my apartment complex doesn't.
Done. We recycle weekly.Get a real entertainment center.
I've decided to call this done. We bought something from IKEA that is considered a TV stand.Buy a bed
Still got the bed frame, but the search continues for something with a headboard.
Take a picture a day for a month (0/30)
One of those things I've wanted to do to recognize that there are little things every day worth noticing.Blog every day for a month
Clearly this has not happened.Watch at least 1 Netflix DVD a week, or cancel account
This got very bad. We had our DVDs from October until December. Trying to make up for it now.Spend all the gift cards I currently have (Barnes & Noble, Amazon, WaMu, Target, iTunes)
In progress.Calculate carbon footprint.
I read Radical Simplicity a few months back, and got very interested.Reduce by 15%.
Need to do #91 firstDonate blood twice a year (0/6)
Need to step that up.Take a dance class
Might have to wait until after school.Donate any books I no longer need
Done, but I consider this on-going. I donated about 12 books to a student program in March. I'm sure Doug and I could go through our collection and remove about 20 duplicates...mostly college texts.Buy a sewing machine
I still think I should own one. And I have an extra room to put it in!Buy a shredder.
Again, something I think I should have. And use.Read at least 25 books I've never read before (30/25)
I was sort of lax on the number, and have clearly surpassed that, even with school. Hooray!
1. Running With Scissors by Augusten Burroughs
2. A Wolf at the Table: A Memoir of my Father by Augusten Burroughs
3. One Perfect Day: The Selling of the American Wedding by Rebecca Mead
4. Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince by J.K. Rowling
5. My Stroke of Insight: A Brain Scientist's Personal Journey by Dr. Jill Bolte Taylor
6. The Kid: What Happened When My Boyfriend and I Decided to get Pregnant by Dan Savage
7. A Mind of My Own: A memoir of recovery from Aphasia by Harianne Mills
8. Outliers: The Story of Success by Malcolm Gladwell
9. The Time Traveler's Wife by Audrey Niffenegger
10. Commencement: A Novel by Courtney J. Sullivan
11. Matrimony: A Novel by Joshua Henkin
12. Food, Girls, and Other Things I Can't Have by Allen Zadoff
13. She Went All The Way by Meggin Cabbot
14. The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society by Maryann Shaffer
15. Unequal Childhoods by Annette Lareau
16. Two Truths and a Lie by Katrina Kittle
17. Apologizing to Dogs by Joe Coomer
18. The Art of Racing in the Rain by Garth Stein
19. Asta in the Wings by Jan Elizabeth Watson
20. Belong to Me: A Novel by Marisa De Los Santos
21. The Servants' Quarters by Lynn Freed
22. Take off Your Shirt and Cry: A Memoir of Near Fame Experiences by Nancy Balbirer
23. I am a Genius of Unspeakable Evil and I Want to be your Class President by Josh Leib
24. Metalheads: A Novel by Time Maremaa
25. Miss Harper Can Do it by Jane Berenston
26. Love or Something Like It: A Novel by Deirdre Shaw
27. The Girl She Used to Be by David Cristofano
28. How to Cheat at Gardening and Yardwork by Jeff Bredenberg
29. A Thousand Splendid Suns by Khaled Hosseini
30. I Do but I Don’t: Walking Down the Aisle without Losing Your Mind by Cami WicoffReread 5 books I read in high school (1/5)
I was talking to someone about this: I remember certain things from books I read in high school, but not enough to make me confident that I could answer questions on Jeopardy! about them. Some of the ones I want to reread include The Stranger, 1984, The Great Gatsby, Animal Farm, and The Lord of the Flies. If I were feeling particularly masochistic, I guess I'd give Beowulf another shot as well. And maybe The Picture of Dorian Gray. Couldn't stand that one at the time. I think I would "get" them more today. Or at least I'd like to try.
So far I've read:
1. Animal Farm by George OrwellClean out my closet. Donate unwanted items
I've been trying to keep on top of this, but you can always do more, right?Attend 5 year college reunion
Can't happen until 2011.
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